Saturday, September 20, 2008


And now... I think we are done

Paint Color

On Thursday, another person stopped by when I was out in the yard to ask for the paint color of the house.  She was like, "I know this might sound crazy..."  I've certainly heard more crazy things.  She was in fact the third one since we painted the house to ask that very question.  
 Oh and the shutters are on (at least in the front)  We have all original, wood, working (can be closed) shutters on the Main St side.  They look great.  I'll have to post a picture, becuase now I think we can say- its really done.  (just need to get the storm window up before we all freeze!)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well Gary left without finishing the job.  It was done enough that people driving by didn't see the disarray that was once 343 Main, but definitely not complete. SO... we hired someone else to come in and finish up the punch list.  He finished up yesterday.  We just need to get the shutters back on the front and tidy up some things and maybe we can finally put this all behind us.  I'll post pictures soon.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Looking like a finished house

Hopefully we can get this done by the end of the weekend if the weather holds out.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Its 10:15 and Gary is not here yet. Apparently its POURING in Standish where he lives. Its funny the radar on doesn't show a thing- its 65 and cloudy in Standish by their accounts. Does he think we are stupid? Meanwhile its supposed to rain off and on all week, so I'd really like to make the most the 65 and cloudy days, since work could absolutely be getting done right now!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 20 more progress!!

Gary has decided to work 30 hours a week and it looks like the house might get completed in about 5 weeks from the date we hired Advantage Paint Services.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 18, Finally Some Progress

Given an ultimatum Gary has put in two serious days of work. He still has about 10 more 8 hour days to go but we'll see how things turn out.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I don't want to jinx it, but two days in a row now we've had a paint crew here. We'll see what tomorrow brings. They are estimating at least five more days of prep.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Not much progress

An update on what's going on here:
Mark broke another storm window last night, again escaped without any cuts though.
I would say 1/3 of one side of the house is sanded. It is slow moving certainly, but most definitely would move faster if the painter were actually here. He has a pretty sweet schedule if you ask me.
Monday- off for the holiday
Tuesday- arrived at 11:00 worked till 5:00 then packed up
Wednesday- didn't show
Thursday- called Mark and said he was running late. Its 2:00 still no sign. That is REALLY late I guess.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Always something

As with all projects on this house, the siding undertaking has become bigger than originally anticipated.

On Saturday when the painter was pressure washing, I was folding laundry in our room and noticed the cat standing up with his front paws on our headboard and his nose up against the wall. I looked closer to realize he was licking water off the walls. I was alarmed by this until I went down stairs and saw how much was coming in through the playroom roof. It was nearly like being outside in the rain.

And today when Mark was removing storm windows, he had one shatter into a million pieces over his head. It was a mess but luckily the ones that were shaped like daggers had speared into the window sill and not Mark's head.

Monday, May 26, 2008

New trim

Some of Mark's handy work from this weekend.

Goodbye siding
